
is microsoft yankin’ our chain, or what? 

they spend decades of development hours and burn gigantic amounts on r&d to get a computing public accustomed to working on the web in a certain way, now they’re getting all wishy-washy on their browser product….. WTF?? 

work with adobe to fix this current problem or write a entirely new browser…. like that will ever happen.

granted, ie is probably unfixable and will remain that way despite whatever effort’s made to maintain it, but who in mr gates’ playpen is not paying attention?

with a world-wide base of users out there using ie and its associated suite of plug-ins on multiple versions of the windows operting system, it might be time to stop wishing the bad guys would go away and do something real about the mess that’s been created.

hey, bill…. get a grip… there are matrix-like, red-eyed techno-monsters out there poised to consume the internet world many now live in every second of every day…… a little help over here, please?

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